Home Craftz Batiks-Kenya Batiks-West Africa Maps 'n Masks

Gourd With Lizards

Beautiful hand painted gourd approx 11" tall 9"in diameter. Made in Kenya.
Price: CDN $85 (approx US $66)

Price includes taxes and shipping within Canada and the US

Lover's Statue

Lover's Statue: (30"x6") Sesse wood. Black wood: lovers statue, a beautiful piece to keep. Price: CDN $130 ( approx US$102 )

Price includes taxes and shipping within Canada and the US


The Thinker. 6 X 12in. Made in Ghana.Type of wood: Ebony. A profile of a thinker. To the African the ability to think instead of reacting is essential for the Kingship role. Price: CDN $70 (approx US $55 )

Price includes taxes and shipping within Canada and the US

Fertility Doll

Fertility (Akua Ba) Doll. 18" High Akuaba fertility doll, symbol of fertility The blessing of the ancestors for a young women to bear children. Price: CDN $50 (approx US 39 )

Price includes taxes and shipping within Canada and the US


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Maridadi Craftz, 306-214 Agnes Street, New Westminster, BC V3L 1E6 Canada

Full refund ( excluding shipping and handling costs CDN $10.50 ) available for items returned in their
original condition within 30 days

Prices are in Canadian dollars. Exact U.S dollar prices are calculated by Paypal
using their rate of exchange on the date of purchase.

Maridadi Craftz
Contact us: Phone: 604-540-9082
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada